Does summertime cause us to sleep less well? Moreover, simple solutions

Sleeping comfortably in the summer might be a bit of a challenge, according to health experts. That's something you can remedy with a few easy changes.

Apr 8, 2024 - 17:46
Apr 8, 2024 - 17:47
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Does summertime cause us to sleep less well? Moreover, simple solutions

Do you sleep like a baby in the winter but find it difficult to get a good night's sleep in the summer? You are not alone in thinking that, though.

Many people find themselves tossing and turning in bed, unable to get a decent night's sleep, as the searing heat of summer sets in. A number of studies have shown that a change in season can have a major effect on our sleep cycles.

Sleeping in the heat can be difficult, according to health experts. The cause? There are, in fact, a lot of them, ranging from temperature to extended daylight exposure. To sleep properly during these hot months, there are a few easy things you can do.

The human body needs quality sleep in order to function properly. Numerous health problems might result from getting too little or poor quality sleep.

Why it's difficult for us to sleep in the heat
Seasonal changes can affect your sleep pattern, according to multiple research. There are three main causes of disturbed sleep in the summertime:

Warmer temperature: Of course, heat has a major influence on the modifications to our sleep cycle that occur in the summer.

According to Dr. Suhas HS, a pulmonologist consultant at Manipal Hospital in Bengaluru, our body temperature drops slightly both before and during sleep. The summertime's greater ambient temperatures have an impact on the procedure.

Normally, when we sleep, our bodies cool down. It could take longer to cool down in a heated environment, which eventually interferes with sleep. Higher ambient temperatures may potentially reduce an individual's annual sleep by 50 to 58 hours, according to a 2022 study, Dr. Suhas HS tells India Today.

Extended exposure to daylight: Summertime is when the sun is out longer than it is in the winter. It causes us to spend more time in the sun and interferes with our sleep. Are you curious about how? That's because more sun exposure prevents the melatonin hormone from being produced. The body receives this hormone as a signal to go to sleep.

Dr. Suhas HS explains that summertime light exposure affects the body's generation of melatonin, which is needed to maintain its circadian rhythm. This delayed release of melatonin disrupts sleep.

Summertime vacations and the way of life they bring: Summer is when everyone goes on vacation, which may eventually encourage you to spend more time with others and partake in late-night meals and drinks. The 24-hour cycle of physiological, psychological, and behavioral changes that the body experiences is known as the circadian cycle, or body clock. Everything can have an impact on this cycle.

Summertime travel schedules are more frequent, which throws off sleep patterns. Dr. Suhas continues, "Unfamiliar surroundings and bedding may exacerbate sleep problems.

Simple summertime sleep hygiene remedies
You can absolutely improve your summertime sleep with a few easy tweaks:

Room temperature: Dr. Suhas advises keeping the temperature in the range of 18 to 21 degrees Celsius.

But make sure you're not sleeping directly next to the air conditioner. According to Dr. Vivek Nangia, principal director and head of pulmonology at Max Super Speciality Hospital in Saket, New Delhi, "the blast of the air should not come onto their faces directly."

Steer clear of light at night: Artificial light, in addition to sunlight, can inhibit the generation of melatonin. After dinner, make sure your home is dimly lit. Use blackout curtains before bed to prevent light from entering the room.

Keep electronics out of the bedroom: Electronics like laptops, cell phones, and televisions should not be in the bedroom.

"One might require less artificial light from TV screens and other electronics at night and more sunlight during the day. Dr. Suhas continues, "Being exposed to artificial light can lower melatonin production, which in turn can disrupt your ability to fall asleep."

Have a warm shower at night: Warm showers before bed can improve your quality of sleep.

Your body warms up after a warm shower before bed. Your body receives a signal to sleep when the temperature drops as soon as you step outside. This dip imitates the body's normal circadian rhythm-induced decline in temperature.

Limit your caffeine intake before bed: Having coffee a few hours before bed can make it difficult to fall asleep. Additionally, experts advise against using nicotine and alcohol right before bed.

Respect your sleep pattern: According to Dr. Suhas, "having a regular wake-up and bedtime schedule is a good sleep hygiene measure and helps one sleep better."

Sleep position: Steer clear of the curled up position. By doing this, heat dissipation may be improved.

Experts say that dressing comfortably and in light clothing, along with eating dinner early, can assist enhance sleep quality.

It's crucial to keep an eye on your diet as well. The state of your gut affects how well you sleep as well. As a result, throughout the summer, patients should drink plenty of water and light food, according to Dr. Nangia.

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